
CheckNet Service, the complete Service Business Application in Austhpe


Manage your entire team in Austhpe from one platform. Monitor key performance indicators. Identify & manage issues as they happen.


Have all the Customer, Site, Contact, Asset, Product information in one place. Deliver in the Field.


Improve productivity without increasing overheads. Simplify, Accelerate and Improve your Austhpe business offering.


Keep track of workflow. Keep jobs on track. Keep the team on track. Keep your customers happy.

Welcome to CheckNet Service

Experience the power of an integrated solution that handles maintenance, inspections, resource management, accounts, sales and much more from one platform.

CheckNet Service is designed to enhance efficiency, reduce operational costs and deliver exceptional value to your organisation and customers in Austhpe.

Boosted Productivity

CheckNet Service allows you to do more with existing resources in Austhpe.

Improved Communications

Tailored automated eMails and Portals to exceed Customer expecations with CheckNet Service.

Integrated Management

Be at the centre of your business with CheckNet Service.


Customised Work Sheets, Jobs and Inspections with CheckNet is complete.

Go Paperless

CheckNet Service saving the planet one page at a time!

Get Started today

Join the innovative companies transforming their processes with CheckNet Service.

What we offer

Job Management

Optimise your workforce with user-friendly resource allocation tools. Track equipment usage, availability and maintenance schedules Assign tasks based on availability and expertise.

Site Inspection

Streamline inspection process, customisable digital forms and checklists, snagging. Real-time data capture using the CheckNet App, instantly sharing information back at base.

Integrated Accounts

Simplify your invoicing processes with automated invoice generation. Access robust accounting features to manage your finances efficiently. Create financial reports to gain insights into costs and budget performance.

Customer Relations

Communicate with your customers effectively. Customisable communications made personal and proactive. Share Job Sheets, Work Reports, inspection reports and maintenance logs.


Scheduled maintenance alerts and task management. Document maintenance and inspections reports in one place. Analyse maintenance data to identify trends, reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Sales Leads

Qualify leads, issue quotes, arrange appointments, track team engagement through the sales pipeline to convert leads into Customers.

Track Resources

Customisable phone tracking for resource management, estimate time to task, safety for solo workers and resource optimisation.


Navigate effortlessly through our intuitive dashboard, access CheckNet from any device allowing you to manage your operations on the go.

Project Planning

Breakdown complex tasks to manage the jobs required to complete them. Share progress with interested parties via the customer portal.

Email Templates

Ease administrative burdens utilising the exisitng templates, edit or create your own using placeholders for data fields.

Asset Management

Manage customer assets or yours operating in the field, track maintenance, inspections, costs and depreciation.


Record all of the important information for your staff, including qualifications, holiday, training, availability and work history.

One Price

£300 pm (up to 25 users)

No Hidden Fees

Includes ALL Packages

Continuous Improvement - no extra costs


Download the App

You need a login to be created first.

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